Lead Nurturing & Demand Generation Articles

Browse these lead nurturing and demand generation articles to learn more about the trends, tactics, technology and best practices when selling to B2B buyers.

Seven Trends For Lead Nurturing

Seven Trends For Lead Nurturing

The tactics required for successful sales and marketing is transforming at an unprecedented rate. This change is being driven the B2B Buyer’s desire for a Digital First sales process. This shift in B2B Buyer’s desires has caused businesses of all shapes and sizes to rethink how to sell more effectively. This article will discuss the seven things every business owner should know to help their sales team thrive.

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B2B Lead Nurturing Videos — The Most Effective for Sales Automation

B2B Lead Nurturing Videos — The Most Effective for Sales Automation

The goal of effective lead nurturing is to use digital content to make it easy for the buyer to buy. The goal of predictive leading scoring is to make it easy for marketing operations to alert sales when a buyer looks like they are “Sales Ready” and ready to buy. In this article we explain how to optimize the lead nurturing & lead scoring process and share a sample of 7 different types of videos that predict when a buyer is ready to buy.

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Six Important Videos for Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation

Six Important Videos for Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation

Can the right videos really fill my sales funnel with well educated buyers? Historically building trust with early stage pre-sales education was accomplished by Sales Development Reps (SDRs). But exiting the pandemic, video became the breakout star to educate buyers and nurture leads. There are now six types of B2B videos that any company can use to increase production of sales and marketing.

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Key Video Stats for B2B Sales and Marketing

Key Video Stats for B2B Sales and Marketing

The expanded use of video to help both buyers buy and sellers sell more effectively is already common knowledge. It is also common knowledge that exiting the pandemic, video was one of the breakout stars. But what are the latest trends you need to be aware of right now? What are the video tactics sales and marketing ops need to be aware of and use to drive more deals.

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Key B2B Demand Generation Stats

Key B2B Demand Generation Stats

Gartner’s research shows that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will be automated and occur in digital channels. What is required for successful sales has changed more in the last 3 years than the previous 50 years. Here are 39 critical stats to help you understand why a content marketing process that includes Digital First Pre-Sales Education and Lead Nurturing is critical for both marketing and sales success.

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Additional Articles

What Are Good Lead Nurturing Tactics?

What Are Good Lead Nurturing Tactics?

What Are Good Lead Nurturing Tactics? What are good lead nurturing tactics to turn early stage leads into leads that are ready to talk to your sales team?dsEvery business at some point encounters the same challenge: a qualified lead appears to be an almost ideal...

Content for Email Nurturing

Content for Email Nurturing

Content for Email Nurturing   When it comes to B2B demand generation, creating valuable and relevant content is essential for attracting and engaging potential business customers. What type of content for email nurturing works best?One way to ensure that you are...

Steps Targeted Marketing Strategy

Steps Targeted Marketing Strategy

Steps in a Targeted Marketing Strategy In this article we provide a succinct outline of the required steps in a targeted marketing strategyCreating a targeted marketing strategy involves a systematic approach to identify and reach your ideal customers effectively. The...

What is a B2B Target Market?

What is a B2B Target Market?

What is a B2B Target Market? This article defines and then explains importance of creating a B2B Target Market important to fill your sales funnel with well educated buyers In past articles we have discussed the overall best practices to build buyer awareness through...

What are B2B Demand Generation Best Practices?

What are B2B Demand Generation Best Practices?

What are B2B Demand Generation Best Practices? A strong B2B demand generation program encompasses a range of practices that can help businesses effectively attract and engage potential customers.  So what are B2B Demand Generation Best Practices?A robust demand...