Best B2B Lead Nurturing Videos

by | Apr 6, 2023

What Videos Are Most Effective for B2B Lead Lead Nurturing, Lead Scoring and Sales Automation?

Quick Background on Lead Scoring and Lead Nurturing

The B2B sales process has historically relied on one-on-one sales meetings between a buyer and a sellers. This process was driven by sales reps sharing presentations, stories and answering frequently asked questions to move buyers through the stages of their sales process. Now, with the digital first transformation, more and more buyers now prefer digital content to steward them through their buyers’ journey. These B2B Lead Nurturing Videos will help you understand the digital transformation.


B2B Lead Nurturing Videos

B2B buyers expect a content driven process deeper into the sales funnel to make it easier for the buyer to buy. And video is now overwhelming the most preferred type of content at every stage of the sales funnel.

This means successful sales and marketing operations now requires sellers to share educational content — not only to generate the lead but also to automate a buyers’ pre-sales education. Seller’s need campaigns that supply educational content that support a buyers’ journey through their “consideration”, “preference” and “decision” stages. This also means you need technologies and a lead scoring process/system to track a buyers’ engagement with this content.

B2B Lead Nurturing Videos

VLead scoring is the process of scoring and predicting a leads interest in products or solution based on their digital behaviour.

At its most basic level the type of content a buyer engages with and the tie they spend with that content can predict their interest. The deeper and more time a buyer spends exploring your solution the higher the predictive score. This is why successful B2B marketing and sales operations also need to implement a predictive lead scoring solution to:

  • Track a buyers’ digital conversation
  • Predict a buyers’ sales readiness
  • Pre-qualify a buyer for authentic interest
  • Predict a buyers’ purchase intent
  • Prioritize leads for sales


    Watch Demo Video of a Lead Scoring Software In Action

    Nurturing, Lead Scoring and How it Works with Digital Demand Center™ (3:25)

    The Most Effective Types of B2B Lead Nurturing Videos for Predictive Lead Scoring

    The goal of effective lead nurturing is to make it easy for the buyer to buy. This means you need to make it easy for the buyer to access consideration and preference content (see Predictive Content Engagement chart above). This can be done most effectively with emails delivered to existing leads with marketing automation tools.

    The goal of predictive leading scoring is to make it easy for marketing operations to alert sales when a buyer looks like they are “Sales Ready”.

    Below you will find multiple examples, pulled from Digital Demand Center™ and Gabriel Sales’ video production library. Gabriel Sales and our production partners have produced 1000s of affordable videos to automate our clients’ sales processes.

    In this sample set we share the 7 different types of videos that are extremely effective to specifically help you to nurture and score leads. These videos also make it easy for you to automate sales by making it easy for buyers to move into the later stages of their buyers journey without requiring the intervention of sales development rep.

    In the examples below we also share:

    • The predictive score you can give each piece of content as it correlates to buyers’ depth in the funnel.
    • Tips on who and how to record, and/or what content to reuse in order to maximize your budget and control costs.
    • Different approaches between screen casts and camera shot videos.
    • Different types of production value (with most leveraging talent inside the company to keep costs down).
    • Videos that are leveraged specifically in nurturing campaigns after the your leads have become aware of your product and are already in your early stage sales funnel.

    Product Demos  – Predictive Score 100 to 250

    Once a buyer understands the basic problem your solution solves and the buyer feels like they may be a fit, they typically want to see the solution in action. Product demos are must have videos for sellers that need to demonstrate their product or solution in action.

    Process and Software Screencast

    A combined explanation of the managed services in action and how software is used by the end user

    Software as a Service (SAAS) Screencast

    Straight forward media software demo with overview of all the features

    Hardware and Tech Demo

    A quick explanation of all the features and customizable specs of a low-cost tablet

    Hardware Deployment Demo

    An overview of how easy it is to use an industry leading construction tech tool in the field that can double as initial training video

    B2B Lead Nurturing Videos – Predictive Score 100 to 250

    Almost every successful sales team has a sales deck presentation they leverage that explains the problems they solve, details about the features of the solution and at least a rough approximation of the investment required. Historically this requires a one-on-one meeting.

    Recording and making this presentation available to the buyer to watch on their own time:

    • Allows the buyer to return to important points
    • Allows the buyer to share your story with their peers that will help make or influence the decision
    • Saves the seller time

    Companies can create these videos with internal resources. It is often valuable to use executives or product specialists when you record these videos to give the buyer a sense of the thought leadership team they will be gaining access to if they purchase from your business.


    Managed Services and Software

    Here is Digital Demand Center’s™ initial sales presentation. Its designed to explain the problems we solve, who we solve these  problems for and what types of companies benefit most to pre-qualify buyers

    Enterprise Software and Consulting

    Scripted presentation delivered by a professional voice over actor. Designed for executive decision-makers to compare and contrast this solution to other solutions

    Hardware and Software

    Company overview that shows the products, and introduces the engineers, the service team  and satisfied customers that is also leveraged in dozens of tradeshow booths annually

    Use Case Videos and/or Case Studies – Predictive Score 250

    Most buyers initially look for and purchase a solution to solve a specific problem that specific has been identified as an issue (and already has a budget allocated). Once a buyer understands how your product works, and the problems it solves, use cases and case studies can set you apart so a buyer “prefers” and seriously considers your solution.  

    In contrast to a specific Use Case, some solutions, especially software solutions, can be deployed in multiple verticals for multiple uses. If this is true for your product or solution it’s often helpful to do a deep dive into how your solution can solve this problem for that specific vertical.

    You can use both screen casts and/or headshot videos for use case and case study videos. When possible it’s great to get product specialists and customers to participate if possible.


    Mobile App Use Case

    How a software tackles one specific job to be done

    Enterprise Software Case Study

    How the solution addresses multiple challenges in one business vertical

    End User Demo & Use Case

    A product specialist walks you through a daily use case

    Client Testimonial & Case Study

    Have one client walk viewer through the solution start to finish discussing the experience

    KPI and Return on Investment Videos – Predictive Score 500

    When a buyer is ready to make a decision and commit to a solution, they want to be confident that their purchase will ultimately produce a return on investment. To increase this confidence they will want to:

    • Understand what Key Performance Indicators they will use to measure results
    • Understand what return they should expect from their investment, how long it will take and how that return can be calculated

    In the two videos below we share both for Digital Demand Center.

    Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

    A detailed explanation of the key performance indicators and the timelines you can expect

    Return on Investment (ROI)

    A detailed explanation of the investment required and the hard financial returns you should expect from the investment

    Testimonial Videos – Predictive Score 250 to 500

    Previous buyers can be a powerful asset to influence potential buyers. Your existing clients can provide social proof and context for how your solution impacted their business and how your solution solved their problem.

    Buyers typically engage with these videos after they have a basic understanding of your solution and are looking for verification that your claims are accurate. Testimonial videos can be indispensable to increase a buyers’ level of trust. Depending on your solution there are four different ways we recommend building testimonials.

    Multiple Clients Tell Your Story

    Multiple clients blended together to confirm your value props and differentiators

    Problem and Solution Testimonial

    Have one client walk you through the solution start to finish discussing the experience

    One Client Shares Thier Story

    Explains the problem they wanted to solve, the solution and the results.

    Call to Action Testimonial

    Client encouraging a conversion and meeting with a Sales Rep

    FAQ Headshot Videos – Predictive Score 250 to 500

    Your sales reps and/or sales engineers will tell you that they get asked a similar set of questions by almost every buyer as they move deeper into the sales funnel. Digitizing these questions to make it easy for the buyer to prefer your solution is a cost-effective way to save time and money.

    FAQs can quickly expand into a library that helps buyers and stakeholders with different concerns quickly decide if you are a fit for their needs. FAQs are “buying” questions. They can also help to pre-qualify your solution before you invest time and energy selling to buyers that are not the right fit.

    In addition, as buyers get deeper into their buyers journey they also become curious about the people behind the product. It’s for this reason we recommend you make the appropriate senior resource or product specialist available to digitally answer these FAQs.

    Who We Are

    Founder shares his passion and explains why the company was founded

    Why Us and Benefits for You

    Founder explains the benefits of solution and why its the right choice

    Customer Service Approach

    Explains the level of service a buyer should expect

    Pricing Model

    Founder explains pricing model at scale

    Onboarding Process, Timelines and Delivery Model Videos (if applicable) – Predictive Score 500

    When a lead is getting close to a shortlisting sellers they want to work with they need to understand and start to visualize what their experience will be like working with your solution and organization. They start to think about: How will you onboard them, how will teams integrate? These are all especially important questions that need answers before buyers of professional services, software development shops and management consulting companies will make a decision.

    • These videos should be transparent to proactively give your buyers clear insights into how you ensure success and how long it will take.
    • If a lead watches this type of video the predictive score needs to jump accordingly.  


    Launch Process and Timelines

    Quick overview of launch process and timelines

    Pricing Model

    Software Dev Shop explains capabilities and different models for delivery


    About Digital Demand Center™

    When you are ready to get started integrating video into your lead generation, lead nurturing process and sales automation process Digital Demand Center™ can help. Our parent company, Gabriel Sales  has specialized in leveraging video to automate sales processes and for over seven years. And video is critical feature of our turnkey solution designed specifically for SMBs that turns the Digital First Buyers into Sales Ready Leads. Watch the video below to learn more about our approach and solution.

    Watch this 10 minute video to learn how to meet the needs of the Modern B2B Buyer with Digital Demand Center to provide your sales team with a steady flow of well educated “Sales Ready” Leads.