Lead Nurturing Drives Sales Ready Leads Success Video

Lead Nurturing Drives Sales Ready Leads Success Video

Watch Time – 3:00 Minutes
In this short video, Tony Gilio, Collective Goods’ Senior Vice President of Sales discusses how lead nurturing drives Sales Ready Leads to double the closing rate of his team of over 150 outside senior sales reps.  He explains how Digital Demand Center allowed him to increase his flow of sales ready buyers, double his closing rate and reduce his Sales Development Rep/Telemarketing headcounts cost by over 50%.

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Software Sales Lead Nurturing Success Video

Software Sales Lead Nurturing Success Video

Watch Time – 5:00 Minutes
Software Entrepreneur and Founder, of KipTraq, Bryan Banks, discusses how he leveraged multi-channel demand generation, pre-sales content marketing and email lead nurturing to support his existing sales team. Bryan explains how DDC helped him to focus on his key goals of growth and product development by outsourcing his marketing and demand generation with Digital Demand Center’s turnkey processes, outsourced managed services and technology stack.

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Targeting Markets and Lead Nurturing Success Video

Targeting Markets and Lead Nurturing Success Video

Watch Time – 3:00 Minutes
CEO and Founder, of PCO Bookkeepers, Dan Gordon discusses how he stopped leveraging Sales Development Reps and replaced this process by leveraging Gabriel Sales’ turnkey solution Digital Demand Center. Dan explains how DDC helped his business to target his ideal market with educational content and a lead nurturing process produces buyers ready to meet with his closing managers.

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