Key B2B Demand Generation Stats

Key B2B Demand Generation Stats

Gartner’s research shows that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will be automated and occur in digital channels. What is required for successful sales has changed more in the last 3 years than the previous 50 years. Here are 39 critical stats to help you understand why a content marketing process that includes Digital First Pre-Sales Education and Lead Nurturing is critical for both marketing and sales success.

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Lead Nurturing FinTech Case Study

Lead Nurturing FinTech Case Study

A Financial Services Software targeting Fortune 1000 leveraged Digital Demand Center™ as an Account Based Marketing and Pre-Sales Education Engine to triple their sales volume and grow revenue by 10X over a four year period by automating pre-sales education and staying top of mind with 2200 decision makers.

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