B2B Lead Nurturing Videos — The Most Effective for Sales Automation

B2B Lead Nurturing Videos — The Most Effective for Sales Automation

The goal of effective lead nurturing is to use digital content to make it easy for the buyer to buy. The goal of predictive leading scoring is to make it easy for marketing operations to alert sales when a buyer looks like they are “Sales Ready” and ready to buy. In this article we explain how to optimize the lead nurturing & lead scoring process and share a sample of 7 different types of videos that predict when a buyer is ready to buy.

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Is Demand Generation the Right Fit for Your Business?

Is Demand Generation the Right Fit for Your Business?

Watch Time – 4:00
The purpose of this video is to help businesses and sales and marketing teams decide if and when a demand generation and lead nurturing engine makes sense for their business. We explain what type of sales processes can simply run lead gen campaigns and when you need to extend to lead nurturing.

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Six Important Videos for Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation

Six Important Videos for Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation

Can the right videos really fill my sales funnel with well educated buyers? Historically building trust with early stage pre-sales education was accomplished by Sales Development Reps (SDRs). But exiting the pandemic, video became the breakout star to educate buyers and nurture leads. There are now six types of B2B videos that any company can use to increase production of sales and marketing.

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Demand Generation vs Lead Generation

Demand Generation vs Lead Generation

Watch Time – 4:00
In this short video we discuss the difference between lead generation campaigns versus a lead nurturing and demand generation process. We then compare and contrast the impact each of process on specific stages of your sales funnel. The video concludes with a summary of the increased sales production…

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How Lead Scoring Works in Digital Demand Center

How Lead Scoring Works in Digital Demand Center

Watch Time – 3:00
In this video we explain how Digital Demand Center nurtures leads with content marketing deep into the sales funnel to automate pre-sales education. We share how lead scoring works in a live environment and how to prioritize sales ready leads in your CRM.

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Sales Funnel Results With Lead Nurturing

Sales Funnel Results With Lead Nurturing

Watch Time – 4:00
In this video we explain how long it takes to launch a demand generation, lead nurturing engine and sales automation engine. Then we benchmark the sales funnel results you should expect running a campaign to both 5,000 and 10,000 well targeted buyers.

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B2B Buyer Trends

B2B Buyer Trends

Watch Time – 8:00
Has your sales funnel stalled?
Are your sales reps struggling to convert leads into sales opportunities?
B2B buyers now have a new set of needs before they will engage with your Sales Development Rep. This video explains how buyers now buy and what they expect from sellers trying to win their business…

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What is B2B Demand Generation?

What is B2B Demand Generation?

Watch Time – 90 Seconds
In this video we answer the question – what is demand generation? We quickly explain the objectives, goal and purpose of both a lead generation process and a demand generation process and how working together these two processes can produce well educated buyer ready for sales.

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